Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-12
by Tim Alatorre
Posted on December 12, 2010
We will be recording in 10 minutes (7pm PST) with Joyce (Dolman) Vagasy, the first woman to graduate from the Cal… #
by Tim Alatorre
Posted on December 12, 2010
We will be recording in 10 minutes (7pm PST) with Joyce (Dolman) Vagasy, the first woman to graduate from the Cal… #
by Tim Alatorre
Posted on December 10, 2010
Apple, Featured, George Hasslen, New York, Norman Foster, San Francisco, Tracee DeHahn
Joyce Vagasy (Mickey Dolman), Class of ’62, the first woman to graduate from the Cal Poly Architecture program and Haley’s new hero, tells us about her challenges in school, career, and how design was her life.
by Tim Alatorre
Posted on December 5, 2010
via Carly Althoff: "Happy 'national hug a stressed architecture student day' 🙂 yeah, it's real" # It's that time of day again when Haley and Tim start to panic because the don't have a guest for the show tonight…. # We have exciting an announcement for the guest of episode 50 next week, the…
by Tim Alatorre
Posted on December 3, 2010
CNN, Earthquake, Economy, Frank Gehry, FTC, Hobbit, Simpsons
Announcing the first ever sloArch competition. School is out, a new president is on the way, the bestest architect became pop culture about five years ago, at least, and architects may unintentionally be in the lending business.
by Tim Alatorre
Posted on December 2, 2010
We are now accepting entries for the 1st annual sloArch sketching competition! ~ Simply send us your favorite original sketch by November 19th and you could win one of our new architecture T-Shirts! The store won’t be opening until next year so you’ll be the first on the block with one of these awesome original…